Компьютерная оптика 卷:44
Person tracking algorithm based on convolutional neural network for indoor video surveillance
Rykhard Bohush1  Iryna Zakharava1 
[1] Polotsk State University, Polotsk, Belarus;
关键词: person tracking;    indoor video surveillance;    convolutional neural networks;   
DOI  :  10.18287/2412-6179-CO-565
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

In this paper, a person tracking algorithm for indoor video surveillance is presented. The algorithm contains the following steps: person detection, person features formation, features similarity calculation for the detected objects, postprocessing, person indexing, and person visibility determination in the current frame.Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) YOLO v3 is used for person detection. Person features are formed based on H channel in HSV color space histograms and a modified CNN ResNet. The proposed architecture includes 29 convolutional and one fully connected layer. As the output, it forms a 128-feature vector for every input image. CNN model wastrained to perform feature extraction. Experiments were conducted using MOT methodology on stable camera videos in indoor environment. Main characteristics of the presented algorithm are calculated and discussed, confirming its effectiveness in comparison with the current approaches for person tracking in an indoor environment. Our algorithm performs real time processing for object detection and tracking using CUDA technology and a graphics card NVIDIA GTX 1060.

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