Applied Sciences | 卷:10 |
Natural Genetic Variation for Grapevine Phenology as a Tool for Climate Change Adaptation | |
Claudio Muñoz1  Diego Lijavetzky1  Silvina van Houten1  Daniel Bergamín2  Cristobal Sola2  Laura Bree2  | |
[1] Instituto de Biología Agrícola de Mendoza (IBAM, CONICET-UNCuyo), Almirante Brown 500, Chacras de Coria, M5528AHB Mendoza, Argentina; | |
[2] Vivero Mercier Argentina, Ruta 40 Km 3273, Perdriel, M5509 Mendoza, Argentina; | |
关键词: Vitis vinifera L.; ‘Malbec’; climate change; fruiting cuttings; clonal genetic variability; high temperature; | |
DOI : 10.3390/app10165573 | |
来源: DOAJ |
【 摘 要 】
Grapevine phenology is being modified by climate change, particularly by the increase of temperatures that affect grape attributes for wine production. Besides the existing oenological and viticultural approaches, the thorough exploration of the current intra-cultivar genetic variability to select late-ripening genotypes emerges as an interesting alternative. In the present work, we have analyzed the natural genetic variation for phenology and agronomic traits among 21 ‘Malbec’ clones and we demonstrated that fruiting cuttings are a useful tool for the analysis of such variation in ‘Malbec’. Several clones could be distinguished by agronomic traits like berry number or cluster weight, and mainly by phenology characteristics like the length of the phase between flowering and veraison, which reached more than 16 days between early and late clones. These results support the approach of exploring grapevine clone collections in searching for genotypes with delayed phenology, and thus with the potential to maintain some expected quality characteristics under warm conditions.
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