Land 卷:10
Fit-for-Purpose Land Administration in Violent Conflict Settings
Clarissa Augustinus1  Ombretta Tempra2 
[1]Independent Consultant, P17 V448 Kinsale, Ireland
[2]|UN-Habitat, Giza 12611, Egypt
关键词: fit-for-purpose land administration (FFP LA);    violent conflict;    United Nations;    extra-legal;    transitional justice;    peace building;   
DOI  :  10.3390/land10020139
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
According to the United Nations (UN) Refugee Agency, there were 79.5 million forcibly displaced people worldwide by the end of 2019. Evictions from homes and land are often linked to protracted violent conflict. Land administration (LA) can be a small part of UN peace-building programs addressing these conflicts. Through the lens of the UN and seven country cases, the problem being addressed is: what are the key features of fit-for-purpose land administration (FFP LA) in violent conflict contexts? FFP LA involves the same LA elements found in conventional LA and FFP LA, and LA in post conflict contexts, as it supports peace building and conflict resolution. However, in the contexts being examined, FFP LA also has novel features as well, such as extra-legal transitional justice mechanisms to protect people and their land rights and to address historical injustices and the politics of exclusion that are the root causes of conflict. In addition, there are land governance and power relations’ implications, as FFP LA is part of larger UN peace-building programs. This impacts the FFP LA design. The cases discussed are from Darfur/Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Honduras, Iraq, Jubaland/Somalia, Peru and South Sudan.
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