Energy Reports 卷:6
Energy management for the industrial sector in smart grid system
Muhammad Aurangzeb1  Amam Hossain Bagdadee2  Sajid Ali3  Li Zhang4 
[1]Corresponding author.
[2]|College of Energy and Electrical Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing, China
[3]|Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, NCEPU, Beijing, China
[4]|Department of Information Sciences, University of Education, Multan Campus, Pakistan
关键词: Industrial sector;    Smart grid;    Energy management;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Industrial energy management is intended for the most significant specific indicator of the Energy Framework. Although it is much involved in growing energy generation and distribution due to demand-side management is increasing awareness in research. In a deregulated power marketing system, that is the dynamic critical condition between utilities and industrial consumers for energy supply and management. The smart grid topology is maintaining energy management ability to provide facilities to be competitive internationally. Energy demand-side management measures to maintain the energy framework in terms of energy consumption. In this paper, the energy demand response project has been used to manage loads efficiently by utilizing the smart grid for industrial settings. This article also provides a demonstration and numerical analysis of individual demand for industrial consumers about indications of the financial load model for energy demand. This program provides an attractive incentive for the industrial consumers due to reducing the loads on utilities and intelligently manages during energy crisis periods, resulting in the highest peak load that is running in off-peak time. In this paper, the mathematical and graphical outcomes are analyzed for industrial energy management.
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