Yönetim ve Ekonomi 卷:25
GIS-based Decision-Support System Applications in Disaster Management
关键词: Disaster management;    GIS;    Decision Support System;    recovery;    mitigation;    vulnerability;    risk reduction;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Effective decision-making mechanism in disaster management requires new tools such as geographic information system (GIS). This study examines how to use GIS tools in disaster management organizations and do they have GIS-based decision support system. Furthermore it investigates whether organizations can collaborate with other organizations and what are the challenges during the crisis or disaster events. We found that respondents in the survey indicated that all of their organization related to disaster management in Marmara region in Turkey use GIS and they strongly agree that their organization has a disaster and emergency response plan. They agree that emergency response is challenging because of criticality of the task itself and limited response time. Limited time and time pressure is the two major challenges of disaster management because each planning action considered at the ordinary time. But in times of crisis, unplanned situations may occur. That's why disaster management needs to GIS-based emergency response planning and decision support system.
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