Data Science and Engineering | 卷:4 |
Regular Decomposition of Large Graphs: Foundation of a Sampling Approach to Stochastic Block Model Fitting | |
Fülöp Bazsó1  Ilkka Norros2  Marianna Bolla3  Hannu Reittu4  Tomi Räty4  | |
[1] Department of Computational Sciences, Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics, Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences; | |
[2] Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Helsinki; | |
[3] Department of Stochastics, Institute of Mathematics, Technical University of Budapest; | |
[4] VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd.; | |
关键词: Community detection; Sampling; Consistency; Martingales; | |
DOI : 10.1007/s41019-019-0084-x | |
来源: DOAJ |
【 摘 要 】
Abstract We analyze the performance of regular decomposition, a method for compression of large and dense graphs. This method is inspired by Szemerédi’s regularity lemma (SRL), a generic structural result of large and dense graphs. In our method, stochastic block model (SBM) is used as a model in maximum likelihood fitting to find a regular structure similar to the one predicted by SRL. Another ingredient of our method is Rissanen’s minimum description length principle (MDL). We consider scaling of algorithms to extremely large size of graphs by sampling a small subgraph. We continue our previous work on the subject by proving some experimentally found claims. Our theoretical setting does not assume that the graph is generated from a SBM. The task is to find a SBM that is optimal for modeling the given graph in the sense of MDL. This assumption matches with real-life situations when no random generative model is appropriate. Our aim is to show that regular decomposition is a viable and robust method for large graphs emerging, say, in Big Data area.
【 授权许可】