Sensors | 卷:20 |
Analysis and Design of Integrated Blocks for a 6.25 GHz Spacefibre PLL | |
Bruno Neri1  Sergio Saponara1  Gabriele Ciarpi2  Marco Mestice2  | |
[1] via G. Caruso 16, 56122 Pisa, Italy; | |
[2] Department of Information Engineering (DII), University of Pisa; | |
关键词: rad-hard; PLL (phase-locked loop); SEE (single event effects); Spacefibre; TID (total ionization dose); charge pump; | |
DOI : 10.3390/s20144013 | |
来源: DOAJ |
【 摘 要 】
The design of a Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) to generate the clock reference for the new Spacefibre standard is presented in this paper. Spacefibre has been recently released by the European Space Agency (ESA) and supports up to 6.25 Gbps for on-board satellite communications. Taking as a starting point a rad-hard 6.25 GHz Voltage Controlled Oscillator in 65 nm technology, this work presents the design of the key blocks for an integrated PLL: a Triple Modular Redundancy Phase/Frequency Detector, a Charge Pump, and a passive Loop Filter. The modeling activities carried out in an Advanced Design System have proven that the proposed PLL can be completely integrated on-chip, with a Loop Filter area consumption of only 6000 µm2 (considering the 65 nm technology). The design of active circuits has been carried out at the transistor level in a Cadence Virtuoso environment, implementing both system and layout rad-hard techniques, and different solutions are discussed in this paper. As a result, a compact (0.09 mm2), low power (10.24 mW), dead zone free and rad-hard PLL is obtained with a Phase Noise below −80 dBc/Hz @ 1 MHz. A preliminary block view and floor plan of the test chip is also proposed.
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