Revista de Bioética y Derecho 卷:0
L a f r á g i l r i g i d e z d e l a l e y i t a l i a n a d e r e p r o d u c c i ó n a s i s t i d a c o n t r a l a r í g i d a f l e x i b i l i dad del modelo e s pañ o l : c o n t e n i d o v s . p r o c e d i m i e nt o
关键词: Reproducción Humana Asistida;    Derecho Constitucional Comparado;    Células Madre;    Derechos Fundamentales;   
DOI  :  10.1344/rbd2010.18.7982
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Research with stem cell is linked with the assisted reproductiontechniques regulation with regard to obtaining stemcells line derived from embryos. The paper aims to analyse–in a comparative perspective– the Italian (Law 40/2004)and the Spanish (Law 14/2006) regulation of the assistedreproduction, with regard to the admitted utilization of the“non-transferred” embryos. The stem cells derivation fromthe embryos represents both a fundamental means for scientificdevelopment in the biomedical field and a ethicallyand legally critical issue which has to be regulated by thelaw. The regulations represent different regulative systems,which will be analysed in terms of effectiveness and legalreasonableness, in order to show a legal paradox: A legislativesystem based on a (procedurally strict) flexibility ismore efficient than a system based on an absolute (even iffragile) body of prohibitions.

【 授权许可】


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