Project Leadership and Society 卷:3
Engaged scholarship in project organizing research: The case of UK infrastructure
Graham M. Winch1  Eunice Maytorena-Sanchez2 
[1] Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, UK;
[2] Corresponding author. Alliance Manchester Business School, Booth Street West Manchester, M15 6PB, UK.;
关键词: Engaged scholarship;    Infrastructure development;    Project owner capability;    Dynamic capability;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

We present how rigor and relevance in project organizing research can be achieved by adopting the principles of engaged scholarship. We established a research collaboratory between scholars and practitioners to address a real-world practical problem in the UK infrastructure sector and supported the development of practitioner thinking on the leadership of major projects. We identify six specific dynamic capabilities required of UK infrastructure owners and operators and advance theory in owner capabilities for infrastructure development. By adopting this approach we revealed the potential of an engaged scholarship method to address real-world practical problems and advance theoretical knowledge thereby retaining rigor and achieving relevance.

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