Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 卷:15
Adoption of Safety Measures against COVID-19 by Tribal Families in Southern Rajasthan- A Cross-sectional Study
Mehul Patel1  Nitesh Mangal2  Dilip L Kumar2  Matariswa Samanta3  KA Varghese4 
[1] Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, Pacific Institute of Medical Sciences, Umarda, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India.;
[2] Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine, Pacific Institute of Medical Sciences, Umarda, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India.;
[3] Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, Pacific Institute of Medical Sciences, Umarda, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India.;
[4] Statistician, Department of Community Medicine, Pacific Institute of Medical Sciences, Umarda, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India.;
关键词: coronavirus disease-2019;    knowledge;    practice;    severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus-2;    tribal population;   
DOI  :  10.7860/JCDR/2021/51057.15521
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Introduction: The outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic during early2020 forced the people to make drastic changes in their lifestyle.The people’s response to preventive measures initiated by theGovernment to control COVID-19 is the focus of the study.Aim: To assess the knowledge for prevention and adoption ofsafety measures against COVID-19 by the tribal masses.Materials and Methods: The cross-sectional study, covering300 selected tribal families, was conducted in a tribal beltduring the period September 2020 to December 2020. Thequestionnaire covered socio-demographic profile, knowledgeaspects and adoption pattern regarding preventive measuresof COVID-19. The head of the family or in his/her absence anyavailable adult family member has been the respondent toprovide the required information. Based on maximum score of15 for correct knowledge, the families were categorised as poor(≤5), average (6-10) and good (11-15). With a maximum scoreof 24 for correct adoption, the categorisation was made aspoor (≤8), average (9-16) and good (17-24). The association ofsocio-demographic factors with knowledge and practice levelwas tested through Chi-square test and correlation coefficientbetween knowledge and adoption scores.Results: Among the 300 families studied, the nuclear type tribalfamilies dominated in the study area 204 (68%) and the averageage of respondents was 61 years. The mean knowledge scorewas 7.6 (50.67%) and adoption score was 11.22 (46.75%). Thepercentage shares of respondents in poor, average and goodcategories were 31.33%, 35.33% and 33.33% for knowledgeand 32.66%, 34.66% and 32.66%, respectively for adoptionscores. The education level, income of the family and accessto media sources were found to have significant associationbetween knowledge and adoption scores.Conclusion: The highest education level of family members, familyincome and access to media sources were significantly associatedwith knowledge as well as practice. The positive correlation betweenknowledge and adoption scores indicated that the adoptionlevel can be improved by enhancing knowledge to the sociallybackwards tribal communities. Socially visible practices like maskwearing were well adopted by tribals whereas the adoption level ofinvisible components like immunity building was relatively low.

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