Medycyna Pracy 卷:69
Electromagnetic fields exposure assessment among workers at broadcast centers in Poland
Halina Aniołczyk1  Marek Zmyślony1  Piotr Politański1  Elżbieta Gadzicka2  Alicja Bortkiewicz2 
[1] Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine, Łódź, Poland (Department of Radiological Protection);
[2] Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine, Łódź, Poland (Department of Work Physiology and Ergonomics);
关键词: occupational exposure;    television;    electromagnetic fields;    exposure assessment;    radio;    work safety in electromagnetic fields;   
DOI  :  10.13075/mp.5893.00685
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

BackgroundIn the studies investigating the potential health effects of occupational exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF),the key problem is the assessment of workers’ exposure. Electromagnetic fields exposure assessment requires determining maximumEMF levels, for the acute effect, and the dose absorbed, for the cumulative effect. A study was undertaken to determine EMFexposure in workers at broadcasting centers (BCs) in Poland. It was the first part of a comprehensive project on health effectsof occupational exposure to EMF.Material and MethodsThe study was conducted in 4 selected BCs. Spot measurements ofelectric field strength (E), and the results of E measurements that were made in the past for occupational hygiene assessments,were used for determining workers’ exposure to electric field. The parameters considered were the maximum E value (E max ), theweighted average E value (E avg ) and the E lifetime dose (E lifetime dose ).ResultsIn the group of workers examined, the E valuesdid not exceed 16.7 V/m for Emax (the occupational exposure limit (OEL) for work shift in Poland is 20 V/m), 2.9 V/m for E avg and 1 500 000 (V/m) 2 ×h for E lifetime dose .ConclusionsIn view of the lack of dosimetry data, a retrospective assessment of BC workers’exposure to very high frequency and ultra-high frequency EMF was conducted, which made it possible to estimate EMF lifetimedose for the workers. Since the EMF exposure levels at BCs did not exceed the admissible values, they can be considered safeto the workers’ health, according to the approach used for developing OELs for EMF exposure. Med Pr 2018;69(5):477–482

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