Reaching Back to Traditional Teachings: Diné Knowledge and Gender Politics
Souksavanh Tom Keovorabouth1 
[1]College of Liberal Arts, Oregon State University
关键词: Diné;    Nadleeh;    Women;    Navajo Nation;    Two-Spirit;    K’é;    Hozhó;    Cosmology;    Diné philosophy;   
DOI  :  10.3390/genealogy5040095
来源: mdpi
【 摘 要 】
As Diné, we must understand the traditional teachings that were once in place through oral traditions and teachings. There are many troubles Diné (Navajo) women and Nadleeh (Two-Spirit) people face from outside the community, but due to western influence, we endure the same effects from within our own Nation. Through this paper, I aim to propose resolutions to move our Nation in the right direction for social change and build a community of acceptance by reaching back to traditional teaching philosophies without the influence of cis-heteronormative patriarchal structures. I argue that adoptions of these western institutions have severe effects on Diné women and Nadleeh (Two-Spirit) livelihood and well-being. In this paper, I examine three areas of Diné philosophy and cosmology: (1) the central role of K’é (family) and the matrilineal clanship, (2) Diné women and Nadleeh voices in our creation stories, and (3) Hozhó, the beauty way, to understand the masculine and feminine energies of Diné cosmology in order to address the importance of women and Nadleeh on Dinétah.
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