Frontiers in Psychology
Learning and Consolidation as Re-representation: Revising the Meaning of Memory
Geraint A. Wiggins1  Abdelrahman Sanjekdar1 
[1] Computational Creativity Lab, AI Lab, Vrije Universiteit Brussel;School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom
关键词: re-representation;    memory consolidation;    meaning construction;    creativity;    information dynamics;   
DOI  :  10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00802
来源: Frontiers
【 摘 要 】

In this Hypothesis and Theory paper, we consider the problem of learning deeply structured knowledge representations in the absence of predefined ontologies, and in the context of long-term learning. In particular, we consider this process as a sequence of re-representation steps, of various kinds. The Information Dynamics of Thinking theory (IDyOT) admits such learning, and provides a hypothetical mechanism for the human-like construction of hierarchical memory, with the provision of symbols constructed by the system that embodies the theory. The combination of long-term learning and meaning construction in terms of symbols grounded in perceptual experience entails that the system, like a human, be capable of memory consolidation, to manage the complex and inconsistent structures that can result from learning of information that becomes more complete over time. Such consolidation changes memory structures, and thus changes their meaning. Therefore, memory consolidation entails re-representation, while re-representation entails changes of meaning. Ultimately, the theory proposes that the processes of learning and consolidation should be considered as repeated re-representation of what is learned.

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