Micro & nano letters
Fabrication and characterisation of the dye-sensitised solar cells with the mixture of one-dimension TiO 2 nanorods and graphite nanosheets as the mesoporous scafford
Junjian Lu1  Min Zhang1  Fei Luo1  Meixiu Wan1  Wen Jin1  Chuanyue Hu1 
[1] Department of Chemistry and Materials Science, Hunan University of Humanities, Science and Technology;Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory of Fine Ceramics and Powder Materials, School of Materials and Environmental Engineering, Hunan University of Humanities, Science and Technology
关键词: graphite;    titanium compounds;    semiconductor materials;    nanorods;    mesoporous materials;    nanoparticles;    nanofabrication;    semiconductor growth;    dye-sensitised solar cells;    electrospinning;    nanocomposites;    doping;    scanning electron microscopy;    transmission electron microscopy;    X-ray diffraction;    Raman spectra;    short-circuit currents;    photovoltaic effects;    dye-sensitised solar cells;    one-dimension nanorods;    graphite nanosheets;    electrospinning;    composites;    physical doping;    scanning electron microscopy;    transmission electron microscopy;    X-ray diffraction;    Raman spectrum;    nanoparticles;    mesoporous scaffolds;    short-circuit current;    open-circuit voltage;    filling factor;    power conversion efficiency;    photovoltaic properties;    voltage 0.68 V;    TiO2-C;   
DOI  :  10.1049/mnl.2017.0591
来源: Wiley
【 摘 要 】

Transmission electron microscopic (TEM) observation of human chromosome ultrastructure may provide useful information on various abnormalities. Due to the difficulties in detaching metaphase chromosome spreads from the glass slide, this approach has been restricted. We introduce a simplified protocol in which the metaphase chromosome spreads are made on a flexible thermoplastic membrane (Aclar film) glued to the routine microscopic glass slides. The chromosome spreads are then impregnated with 1% osmium tetroxide, stained with freshly prepared 2% tannic acid, dehydrated, and flat-embedded in epoxy resin. After polymerization, the epoxy resin sheet is easily detached from the Aclar film and all chromosome spreads retain on the resin sheet. Each chromosome spread is identified under a light microscope, demarcated, trimmed then attached to a pre-polymerized blank epoxy resin block. Ultrathin sections are cut and observed under a transmission electron microscope. Application of this method to chromosome research is suggested to provide useful information on the chromosome morphology and ultrastructure in relation to various conditions and/or function.

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