Carbon Characterization Laboratory Readiness to Receive Irradiated Graphite Samples
Karen A. Moore
关键词: CARBON;    CERAMICS;    CREEP;    GRAPHITE;    IRRADIATION;    MANAGEMENT;    MODIFICATIONS;    INEEL carbon characterization lab;    graphite;    NGNP;   
DOI  :  10.2172/1023510
RP-ID  :  INL/EXT-11-22148
PID  :  OSTI ID: 1023510
Others  :  TRN: US1104600
来源: SciTech Connect
【 摘 要 】

The Carbon Characterization Laboratory (CCL) is located in Labs C19 and C20 of the Idaho National Laboratory Research Center. The CCL was established under the Next Generation Nuclear Plant Project to support graphite and ceramic composite research and development activities. The research conducted in this laboratory will support the Advanced Graphite Creep experiments???a major series of material irradiation experiments within the Next Generation Nuclear Plant Graphite program. The CCL is designed to characterize and test low activated irradiated materials such as high purity graphite, carbon-carbon composites, silicon-carbide composite, and ceramic materials. The laboratory is fully capable of characterizing material properties for both irradiated and nonirradiated materials. Major infrastructural modifications were undertaken to support this new radiological facility at Idaho National Laboratory. Facility modifications are complete, equipment has been installed, radiological controls and operating procedures have been established and work management documents have been created to place the CCL in readiness to receive irradiated graphite samples.

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