Micro & nano letters
Microfluidisation trends in the development of nanodelivery systems: characterisation and release study of resveratrol-loaded nanostructured lipid carrier prepared with high-pressure microfluidisation
Jianmin Wang1  Hao Sun1  Xin Liu1 
[1] School of Pharmacy, Jining Medical University
关键词: biomedical materials;    photon correlation spectroscopy;    fracture;    electrokinetic effects;    particle size;    nanoparticles;    nanomedicine;    nanofabrication;    drugs;    encapsulation;    chromatography;    transmission electron microscopy;    freezing;    drug delivery systems;    bioMEMS;    microfluidics;    Weibull distribution;    nanodelivery systems;    nanostructured lipid carrier;    high-pressure microfluidisation;    freeze-fracture transmission electron microscopy;    photon correlation spectroscopy;    polydispersity index;    high-performance liquid chromatography;    resveratrol;    nanoparticle;    particle size;    zeta potential;    encapsulation;    Weibull model;    time 12.0 hour;   
DOI  :  10.1049/mnl.2020.0236
来源: Wiley
【 摘 要 】

The release behaviour and kinetic evaluation of resveratrol (Res) from nanostructured lipid carrier (NLC) have been conducted after characterisation for Res-NLC in this study. High-pressure microfluidisation technique was successfully applied to manufacturing Res-NLC, and the morphology of nanoparticle was observed via freeze-fracture transmission electron microscopy. Photon correlation spectroscopy was used to characterise the NLC system for particle size (PS) and polydispersity index (PDI). The in vitro release research was implemented by the dialysis method with active ingredient determined by high-performance liquid chromatography. Fitting of release data to different kinetic models was carried out. The optimised Res-NLC was physically stable with the PS below 200 nm, PDI below 0.3 and zeta potential (ZP) above 50 mV. The encapsulation efficiency was above 80%. Moreover, an in vitro release analysis demonstrated the sustained release profile of contents from NLC formulation over 12 h, with about 90% of the active ingredient released. Res-NLC presented the best fit with the Weibull model accompanied by better correlation value. In conclusion, all the obtained results demonstrated that the release study of Res-loaded NLC exhibited the promising application of the NLC formulation system in active ingredient sustained release carrier.

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