Brazilian Journal of Microbiology
Comparison of different selective enrichment steps to isolate Salmonella sp. from feces of finishing swine
Geovana Brenner Michael2  Roselis Simoneti2  Marisa Da Costa1  Marisa Cardoso2 
[1] ,Faculdade de Veterinária Departamento de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva
关键词: Salmonella sp.;    selective enrichment;    swine;    Salmonella sp.;    enriquecimento seletivo;    suínos;   
DOI  :  10.1590/S1517-83822003000200009
来源: SciELO
【 摘 要 】

A two-phase study was conducted to compare the efficacy of several enrichment selective-broth steps associated to different plating media for recovery of Salmonella sp. from finishing swine feces. In a first phase, Rappaport-Vassiliadis broth (RV) incubated at 42ºC, Tetrathionate Müller-Kauffmann broth at 37ºC (TMK37) and 42ºC (TMK42), and Selenite Cystine broth (SC) at 37ºC, in combination with three selective plating media Rambach agar (RA), Xylose-Lysine-Tergitol 4 agar (XLT4), and Brilliant-Green Phenol-Red Lactose Sucrose agar (VB) were compared for recovery of Salmonella from artificially contaminated swine feces. In a second phase, RV, TMK37, and TMK42, associated with XLT4 and VB , were tested with naturally contaminated swine feces. In this study RV, TMK42 and TMK37 were superior to SC for isolating Salmonella sp. from artificially contaminated feces. TMK42 and RV were more productive than TMK37 for recovery of Salmonella from naturally contaminated feces samples. Selectivity and indication capability of the plating media were remarkably affected by the selective enrichment step effectiveness. The TMK42/XLT4 association was the most sensitive and RV/XLT4 the most specific. The use of VB agar is also recommended to increase the likelihood of isolating atypical H2S-late producing/ non-producing Salmonella. In this study RV and TMK42 were the most efficient selective enrichment for recovery of Salmonella sp. from swine feces.

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