Ciência & Saúde Coletiva
Patient delays and system delays in breast cancer treatment in developed and developing countries
Angela Gabrielly Quirino Freitas1  Mathias Weller1 
关键词: Breast cancer;    Delay;    Treatment;    Developing countries;    Developed countries;    Câncer de mama;    Atraso;    Tratamento;    Países em desenvolvimento;    Países desenvolvidos;   
DOI  :  10.1590/1413-812320152010.19692014
来源: SciELO
【 摘 要 】
AbstractDelays in treating breast cancer have been associated with a more advanced stage of the disease and a decrease in patient survival rates. The scope of this integrative review was to analyze the main causal factors and types of patient and system delays. The underlying causal factors of delays were compared among studies conducted in developing and developed countries. Of the 53 studies selected, 24 were carried out in developing countries and 29 in developed countries, respectively. Non-attribution of symptoms to cancer, fear of the disease and treatment and low educational level were the most frequent causes of patient delay. Less comprehensive health insurance coverage, older/younger age and false negative diagnosis tests were the three most common causal factors of system delay. The effects of factors such as age were not decisive per se and depended mainly on the social and cultural context. Some factors caused both patient delay and system delay. Studies conducted in developing countries identified more causal factors of patient delay and had a stronger focus on patient delay or the combination of both. Studies conducted in developed countries had a stronger focus on aspects of system delay during treatment and guidance of breast cancer patients in the health care system.
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