Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering
Control of integrating process with dead time using auto-tuning approach
G. Saravanakumar2  R. S. D. Wahidabanu1 
[1] ,Manipal Institute of Technology Department of Instrumentation and Control Karnataka,India
关键词: Dead time compensator;    Controller;    Auto tuning;    Integrating process;   
DOI  :  10.1590/S0104-66322009000100009
来源: SciELO
【 摘 要 】

A modification of Smith predictor for controlling higher order processes with integral action and long dead-time is proposed in this paper. The controller used in this Smith predictor is an Integral-Proportional Derivative controller, where the Integrator is in the forward path and the Proportional and Derivative control are in the feedback, acting on the feedback signal. The main objective of this paper is to design a dead time compensator, which has minimum tuning parameters, simple controller tuning, and robust performance of tuning formulae, and to obtain a critically damped system that is as fast as possible in its set point and load disturbance rejection performance. The controller in this paper is tuned by an adaptive method. This paper also presents a survey of various dead time compensators and their performance analysis.

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