Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem
Cochlear Implant: the complexity involved in the decision making process by the family
Sheila De Souza Vieira1  Maria Cecília Bevilacqua1  Noeli Marchioro Liston Andrade Ferreira1  Giselle Dupas1 
关键词: Cochlear Implantation;    Deafness;    Decision Making;    Family;    Disabled Children;    Family Nursing;    Implante Coclear;    Surdez;    Tomada de Decisões;    Família;    Crianças com Deficiência;    Enfermagem Familiar;    Implantación Coclear;    Sordera;    Toma de Decisiones;    Familia;    Niños con Discapacidad;    Enfermería de la Familia;   
DOI  :  10.1590/0104-1169.3044.2432
来源: SciELO
【 摘 要 】
OBJECTIVE: to understand the meanings the family attributes to the phases of the decision-making process on a cochlear implant for their child.METHOD: qualitative research, using Symbolic Interactionism and Grounded Theory as the theoretical and methodological frameworks, respectively. Data collection instrument: semistructured interview. Nine families participated in the study (32 participants).RESULTS: knowledge deficit, difficulties to contextualize benefits and risks and fear are some factors that make this process difficult. Experiences deriving from interactions with health professionals, other cochlear implant users and their relatives strengthen decision making in favor of the implant.CONCLUSION: deciding on whether or not to have the implant involves a complex process, in which the family needs to weigh gains and losses, experience feelings of accountability and guilt, besides overcoming the risk aversion. Hence, this demands cautious preparation and knowledge from the professionals involved in this intervention.
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