Cadernos de Saúde Pública
Environment, arbovirus transmission and control of epidemics
Roger Cordellier2  Nicolas Degallier1 
[1] ,ORSTOMBouaké
关键词: Yellow Fever;    Vectors;    Vertebrate Hosts;    Epidemiology;    Control;    Febre Amarela;    Vetores;    Hospedeiros Vertebrados;    Epidemiologia;    Controle;   
DOI  :  10.1590/S0102-311X1992000300004
来源: SciELO
【 摘 要 】

In order to illustrate the relationships between the biotopes (or phytogeographical zones), arbovirus vectors and vertebrate hosts (including man), and epidemiology, current knowledge on the transmission of Yellow Fever virus in West Africa is reported. A dynamic scheme has been devised to integrate the observed geographical distribution of cases and the timing of their occurrence. Two principal areas, endemicity and epidetnicity, were defined according to the presence or absence of sylvatic monkey-mosquito transmission. The intensity and potential of contacts between humans and vectors depends on the degree of man-made changes in the environment, often increasing the extension of ecotone areas where the mosquitoes are easily biting at the ground level. Prevention and/or control of arbovirus diseases require detailed eco-epidemiological studies to determine: (1) the effective role of each potential vector in each phytogeographical region; (2) the risk factors for the people living in or near areas with a sylvatic transmission cycle; (3) the priorities - vaccination and/or control - for preventing the expansion of natural foci.

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