Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP
Critical thinking and accuracy of nurses' diagnoses. Part I: risk of low accuracy diagnoses and new views of critical thinking
Margaret Lunney1 
[1] ,The City University of New York Department of Nursing College of Staten Island
关键词: Critical Thinking;    Nursing Diagnosis;    Accuracy;    Pensamento crítico;    Diagnóstico de enfermagem;    Acurácia;    Pensamiento crítico;    Diagnóstico de enfermería;    Precisión;   
DOI  :  10.1590/S0080-62342003000200003
来源: SciELO
【 摘 要 】

Interpretations of patient data are complex and diverse, contributing to a risk of low accuracy nursing diagnoses. This risk is confirmed in research findings that accuracy of nurses' diagnoses varied widely from high to low. Highly accurate diagnoses are essential, however, to guide nursing interventions for the achievement of positive health outcomes. Development of critical thinking abilities is likely to improve accuracy of nurses' diagnoses. Newer views of critical thinking serve as a basis for critical thinking in nursing. Seven cognitive skills and ten habits of mind are identified as dimensions of critical thinking for use in the diagnostic process.

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