Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz
Monitoring the circulation of rotavirus among children after the introduction of the RotarixTM vaccine in Goiânia, Brazil
Ana Maria Tavares Borges1  Menira Dias E Souza1  Fabíola Souza Fiaccadori1  Divina Das Dores De Paula Cardoso1 
[1],Universidade Federal de Goiás Instituto de Patologia Tropical e Saúde Pública Goiânia GO ,Brasil
关键词: rotavirus;    rotavirus infections;    rotavirus vaccine;    epidemiology;   
DOI  :  10.1590/S0074-02762011000400018
来源: SciELO
【 摘 要 】
The epidemiological features of rotavirus A (RVA) infection differ between children from developing and developed countries which could result in differences in vaccine efficacy around the world. To evaluate the impact of RotarixTM on RVA prevalence, we monitored RVA genotypes circulating in Goiânia by monitoring virus in faecal samples from children that had or had not been previously vaccinated. From February-November of 2008, 220 faecal samples were collected from children in seven day-care centres. RVA detection was performed by two methodologies and the results were confirmed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. From the 220 samples, eight were RVA-positive (3.6%) and five were from children that had received either one or two doses of the vaccine. All positive samples were collected from children with diarrhoea during August and September. Genotyping of the RVA characterised five of the viral samples as genotype G2P[4] and one as G8P[4], suggesting that G2P[4] was the predominant circulating genotype in Goiânia during the study. The fact that vaccinated children were also infected by RVA suggests that the vaccine does not fully protect against infection by the G2[P4] RVA genotype.
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