The Stroma—A Key Regulator in Prostate Function and Malignancy
Christina Häggl཯1 
[1] id="af1-cancers-04-00531">Department of Medical Biosciences, Pathology, Umeå University, Umeå 90185, Swed
关键词: prostate;    cancer;    metastasis;    microenvironment;    stroma;   
DOI  :  10.3390/cancers4020531
来源: mdpi
【 摘 要 】

Prostate cancer is a very common and highly unpredictable form of cancer. Whereas many prostate cancers are slow growing and could be left without treatment, others are very aggressive. Additionally, today there is no curative treatment for prostate cancer patients with local or distant metastasis. Identification of new, improved prognostic and diagnostic biomarkers for prostate cancer and the finding of better treatment strategies for metastatic prostate cancer is therefore highly warranted. Interactions between epithelium and stroma are known to be important already during prostate development and this interplay is critical also in development, progression of primary tumors and growth of metastases. It is therefore reasonable to expect that future biomarkers and therapeutic targets can be identified in the prostate tumor and metastasis stroma and this possibility should be further explored.

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