Acoustical Science and Technology
CENSREC-4: An evaluation framework for distant-talking speech recognition in reverberant environments
Norihide Kitaoka2  Yuki Denda1,12  Satoru Tsuge9  Takanobu Nishiura5  Masakiyo Fujimoto4  Takahiro Fukumori5  Satoshi Nakamura1,13  Tetsuya Takiguchi1  Masato Nakayama1,10  Takeshi Yamada1,11  Chiyomi Miyajima2  Shigeki Matsuda1,13  Kazuya Takeda2  Shingo Kuroiwa3  Kazumasa Yamamoto6  Satoshi Tamura7  Tetsuji Ogawa8 
[1]Kobe University
[2]Nagoya University
[3]Chiba University and National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
[4]NTT Communication Science Laboratories, NTT Corporation, “Keihanna Science City,”
[5]Ritsumeikan University
[6]Toyohashi University of Technology
[7]Gifu University
[8]Waseda University
[9]Daido University
[10]Kinki University
[11]University of Tsukuba
[12]Murata Machinery, Ltd.
[13]National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, “Keihanna Science City,”
关键词: Reverberant speech database;    Reverberant speech recognition;    Various recording environments;    Room impulse response;    Evaluation framework;   
DOI  :  10.1250/ast.32.201
来源: Acoustical Society of Japan
【 摘 要 】
References(18)Cited-By(1)We have been distributing a new collection of databases and evaluation tools called CENSREC-4, which is a framework for evaluating distant-talking speech in reverberant environments. The data contained in CENSREC-4 are connected digit utterances as in CENSREC-1. Two subsets are included in the data: “basic data sets” and “extra data sets.” The basic data sets are used for evaluating the room impulse response-convolved speech data to simulate the various reverberations. The extra data sets consist of simulated data and corresponding real recorded data. Evaluation tools are presently only provided for the basic data sets and will be delivered to the extra data sets in the future. The task of CENSREC-4 with a basic data set appears simple; however, the results of experiments prove that CENSREC-4 provides a challenging reverberation speech-recognition task, in the sense that a traditional technique to improve recognition and a widely used criterion to represent the difficulty of recognition deliver poor performance. Within this context, this common framework can be an important step toward the future evolution of reverberant speech-recognition methodologies.
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