Metrology and Measurement Systems
Lab-on-a-Chip Microdevice with Contactless Conductivity Detector
Karolina Blaszczyk1  Artur Dybko1  Zbigniew Brzozka1  Michal Chudy1 
关键词: lab-on-a-chip;    poly(dimethylsiloxane);    contactless conductivity;    pseudoelectrodes;    microfluidic;   
DOI  :  10.2478/mms-2013-0026
来源: Versita
【 摘 要 】

This paper describes a new contactless conductivity detector, whose electrodes are constructed of microchannels filled with solution of KCl - called pseudoelectrodes. The lab-on-a-chip microdevice was fabricated in poly(dimethylsiloxane) PDMS, using a moulding technique. The mould was made from a dry negative photoresist with a thickness of 50 μm. During the tests, the dimension! and arrangement of pseudoelectrodes` microchannels were evaluated. The analyte was pumped into the microchannel using a syringe pump with a flow rate of 50 μL/min. Reproducible!changes of the signal were obtained.

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