Climate Research
Role of orography in the spatial distribution of precipitation over the Spanish Mediterranean zone
R. Romero1  S. Alonso1  V. Homar1  C. Ramis1  M. G. Sotillo1 
关键词: Western Mediterranean;    Precipitation;    Numerical simulation;    Orographic effects;    Factor separation;   
DOI  :  10.3354/cr023247
来源: Inter-Research Science Publishing
【 摘 要 】

ABSTRACT: The effects of orography on the precipitation field in the Spanish Mediterranean zone are studied through numerical simulations from a climatological point of view. The main atmospheric patterns that produce significant precipitation in theconsidered area, derived in a previous study, have been used as input data. The numerical simulations have been performed using the HIRLAM model. We isolate, by means of a factor-separation technique, the separate effects of the Iberian and non-Iberianorographies, as well as the synergy between the 2 orographies. The diversity of simulated-precipitation spatial distributions is clearly linked to the wide variety of flows over the Iberian Peninsula. However, a clear distinction between Atlantic andwestern Mediterranean disturbances is obtained. When Atlantic westerlies occur over the Iberian Peninsula, rainfall in the Spanish Mediterranean zone is enhanced by orography, mainly by that of Iberia. Otherwise, when the Iberian Peninsula is affected byMediterranean disturbances, local orographic enhancements along with the redistribution of precipitation due to non-Iberian orography and synergistic effects are observed. The North African Atlas range, due to its primary influence, emerges as one of thefactors governing the spatial distribution of rainfall across the Spanish Mediterranean zone.

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