Earth Interactions
A 22-Year Climatology of Cool Season Hourly Precipitation Thresholds Conducive to Shallow Landslides in California
J. Stock e^1^2^3^4^51  B. J. Hatchett a, b^1^2^3^4^52  N. S. Oakley a, b, c^1^2^3^4^53  F. M. Ralph c^1^2^3^4^54  J. T. Lancaster d^1^2^3^4^55 
[1]California Geological Survey, Sacramento, California^4
[2]Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes (CW3E), Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, California^3
[3]Desert Research Institute, Reno, Nevada^1
[4]U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California^5
[5]Western Regional Climate Center, Reno, Nevada^2
关键词: Cool season;    Atmosphere−land interaction;    Hydrometeorology;    Orographic effects;    Communications/decision making;    Emergency preparedness;   
DOI  :  10.1175/EI-D-17-0029.1
来源: American Geophysical Union
【 摘 要 】
California’s winter storms produce intense rainfall capable of triggering shallow landslides, threatening lives and infrastructure. This study explores where hourly rainfall in the state meets or exceeds published values thought to trigger landslides after crossing a seasonal antecedent precipitation threshold. We answer the following questions: 1) Where in California are overthreshold events most common? 2) How are events distributed within the cool season (October–May) and interannually? 3) Are these events related to atmospheric rivers? To do this, we compile and quality control hourly precipitation data over a 22-yr period for 147 Remote Automated Weather Stations (RAWS). Stations in the Transverse and Coast Ranges and portions of the northwestern Sierra Nevada have the greatest number of rainfall events exceeding thresholds. Atmospheric rivers coincide with 60%–90% of these events. Overthreshold events tend to occur in the climatological wettest month of the year, and they commonly occur multiple times within a storm. These statewide maps depict where to expect intense rainfalls that have historically triggered shallow landslides. They predict that some areas of California are less susceptible to storm-driven landslides solely because high-intensity rainfall is unlikely.
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