International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research
Serum Ferroxidase/Albumin ratio – Diagnostic marker of Tuberculosis
Amudavalli V.1  Pramila K.1  Anuradha G1 
关键词: Mycobacterium;    Ceruloplasmin;    Acute phase response;   
DOI  :  10.7439/ijbar.v5i2.645
来源: Scholar Science Journals
【 摘 要 】
The objective of this study is to incorporate serum Ferroxidase/Albumin ratio as a surrogate marker to assist in diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis. Forty cases of sputum for acid fast bacilli positive PTB patients compared with forty healthy controls. Serum Ferroxidase activity of Ceruloplasmin was determined by end point method using Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate Hexahydrate at 600nm. Serum Albumin was determined by Bromocresol green, dye binding method at 628nm. Mean ? SD of serum Ferroxidase and Albumin in case and control were 1616.02?216 IU/L , 3.22? 3.0g/dl and 800.87?130IU/L, 4.51?3.2g/dl respectively. Serum Ferroxidase in case was significantly higher as compared to control(P<0.001).Serum Ferroxidase/Albumin ratio in case (50.06?10 IU/g) was significantly higher than control (20.21?4.0 IU/g),(P<0.001). Hence serum Ferroxidase/Albumin ratio can feasibly be used as biochemical marker to assist in diagnosis of PTB.
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