Revista clínica de periodoncia, implantología y rehabilitación oral
Impact of the increase of dental schools on the chilean dental scientific productivity
Urriola, M1  Pradenas, I1  Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile1  Uribe, S1 
关键词: Dental research;    schools;    dental/statistics & numerical data;    bibliometry;    research support as topic.;   
DOI  :  10.4067/S0719-01072012000100003
来源: Sociedad de Periodoncia de Chile
【 摘 要 】
Objective: To describe the Chilean scientific productivity in the 2000-2011 time period, and to analyze the impact of  the increasing number of superior education institutions offering the Dentistry Program. Material and Methods: Searches in the ISI database of the 2000-2011 time period were carried out, and publications with authors with Chilean correspondence addresses were tabulated. The journal, year, affiliate and impact were recorded. The educational institutions were divided in two: those belonging to the "Consejo de Rectores" (CRUCh) (traditional institutions) and those who don’t (private institutions). The databases of governmental funding agencies were consulted as well. Results: During the time span studied, 173 articles were published in journals of high impact (ISI). The institutions with the highest amount of publications were the traditional ones (U. Chile [57.8%], U. Concep [9.8%] and U. Valpo [8.1%]). The traditional universities represent 89.6% of the national scientific production; additionally, these correspond to the publications with the highest impact (10.5 cites average of impact per article for the CRUCh universities and 1.6 for the no-CRUCh). The CRUCh universities that have opened in this time period have begun to present scientific productivity. The no-Cruch universities (private) represent the 6.9% of the national scientific productivity for the years 2000 to 2011. In a year, an average of 14 dentistry articles from Chilean authors are published in ISI journals, with a relative amount of: eight publications belonging to Universidad de Chile; one to Universidad de Concepcion, Valparaiso and La Frontera, respectively; and three divided among 11 universities. Conclusion: The increase in the number of students and number of institutions has had little impact on the scientific productivity of the time studied. Future research should determine the causes of the lack of investigation in no-CRUCh dental schools, and whether these institutions are completely fulfilling their role of educating, researching and serving the community.
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