Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society
Applications of capillary electrophoresis to the analysis of compounds of clinical, forensic, cosmetological, environmental, nutritional and pharmaceutical importance
Moraes, Edgar P.1  Lima, Elizabete C. de1  Tavares, Marina F. M.1  Fonseca, Fabiana N.1  Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil1  Jager, Alessandra V.1  Fujiya, Neide M.1  Kampen, Maria Helena van1  Santos, Márcia R.1  Tonin, Fernando G.1  Oliveira, Marcone A. L. de1  Micke, Gustavo A.1  Silva, Clóvis L. da1  Moraes, Maria de Lourdes L. de1  Pereira, Elisabete A.1 
关键词: capillary electrophoresis;    ions;    hemoglobin;    morphine;    aldehydes;    pesticides;    plant secondary metabolites;    protein hydrolysate;    AIDS drug cocktail;   
DOI  :  10.1590/S0103-50532003000200016
来源: SciELO
【 摘 要 】

Since its inception in the 80's, capillary electrophoresis has matured into a well-established separation technique, actually encompassing a family of electrodriven techniques with distinct separation mechanisms and selectivity, performed in a single capillary column. In this work, the versatility of capillary electrophoresis in handling materials from a diversity of chemical classes and complex sample matrices is illustrated by representative applications in the clinical, forensic, cosmetological, environmental, nutritional and pharmaceutical areas, grouping together our own research interests and results.

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