Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences
Scalar, vectorial, and tensorial damage parameters from the mesoscopic background
Christina Papenfuss1  Péter Ván1 
[1] $$
关键词: damage mechanics;    damage;    damage parameter;    Fabric-tensor;    microcracks;   
DOI  :  10.3176/proc.2008.3.03
来源: Teaduste Akadeemia Kirjastus
【 摘 要 】

In the mesoscopic theory a distribution of different crack sizes and crack orientations is introduced. A scalar damage parameter, a second order damage tensor, and a vectorial damage parameter are defined in terms of this distribution function. As an example of a constitutive quantity the free energy density is given as a function of the damage tensor. This equation is reduced in the uniaxial case to a function of the damage vector and in the case of a special geometry, to a function of the scalar damage parameter.

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