FEBS Letters
Evidence for cardiac sodium–calcium exchanger association with caveolin‐3
Hale, Calvin C.1  James-Kracke, Marilyn2  Bossuyt, Julie1  Taylor, Bonnie E.1 
[1]The Dalton Cardiovascular Research Center, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211, USA
[2]Department of Pharmacology, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211, USA
关键词: Caveola;    Sarcolemma;    Cardiac Na+–Ca2+ exchange;    HF;    heart failure;    XIP;    exchange inhibitory peptide;    BSl;    bovine cardiac sarcolemmal;    MOPS;    3-[N-morpholino]propanesulfonic acid;   
DOI  :  10.1016/S0014-5793(01)03323-3
来源: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
【 摘 要 】

The interaction of cardiac Na+–Ca2+ exchange (NCX1) with caveolin proteins was investigated in sarcolemmal vesicles. Western blots of sarcolemmal vesicles revealed the presence of caveolin-1, -2, and -3. NCX1 co-fractionated more closely with caveolin-3 than caveolin-1 on sucrose density gradients. NCX1 has five possible caveolin-binding motifs and NCX1 co-precipitated specifically with caveolin-3. Molecular sieve column chromatography indicated that this co-precipitation was not due to incomplete solubilization of lipid raft microdomains. Cholesterol chelation in vesicles decreased NCX1 transport activity and caveolin-3 co-precipitation. NCX1 may play a role in caveolar transmembrane signaling in addition to its role in excitation–contraction coupling.

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