FEBS Letters
Rat messenger RNA for the retinal pigment epithelium‐specific protein RPE65 gradually accumulates in two weeks from late embryonic days
Schmitt-Bernard, Clair Florent1  Leducq, Régine1  Pagès, Anne1  Kucharczak, Jérôme1  Manès, Gaël1  Hamel, Christian P1 
[1] INSERM U. 254, Hôpital Saint Charles, 300 rue Auguste Broussonnet, 34295 Montpellier cedex 5, France
关键词: RPE65;    Retinal pigment epithelium;    Retina;    mRNA;    Competitive reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction;    DEPC;    diethylpyrocarbonate;    RPE;    retinal pigment epithelium;    RRP;    recombinant reverse primer;    RT-PCR;    reverse transcription coupled to polymerase chain reaction;   
DOI  :  10.1016/S0014-5793(98)00081-7
来源: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
【 摘 要 】

The RPE65 protein appears late during the retinal development. To study the basis for this regulation, the rat RPE65 cDNA was sequenced and the mRNA subsequently quantitated at various stages by competitive RT-PCR. RPE65 mRNA was detected as early as E18 (36 copies/ng of whole eye total RNA). It gradually accumulates up to P12 (27 000 copies/ng) at which point it reaches a steady state level. This increase is interrupted for 3 days (P2–P4) during which the levels of mRNA remain stable. This timing and rate of accumulation parallels that of rat and mouse opsin mRNA and suggests that common factors may control the activation of genes in photoreceptors and retinal pigment epithelium cells.

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