FEBS Letters
Oxidized LDL induce hsp70 expression in human smooth muscle cells
Pellegatta, F.1  Zhu, W.M.2  Catapano, A.L.2  Pirillo, A.2  Roma, P.2 
[1] Cardiovascular Physiopathology Laboratory, Istituto Scientifico H.S. Raffaele, Milano, Italy;Institute of Pharmacological Sciences, University of Milano, Milano, Italy
关键词: Human smooth cell;    Heat shock protein 70;    Oxidized-LDL;    Cytotoxicity;    Atherosclerosis;    Ac-LDL;    acetylated low density lipoproteins;    BrdU;    bromodeoxyuridine;    BSA;    bovine serum albumine;    Hsps;    heat shock proteins;    LDL;    low density lipoprotein;    HUVSMC;    human umbelical vein smooth muscle cells;    MTT;    3-[4;    5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2;    5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide;    PBS;    phosphate-buffered saline;    PMSF;    phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride;    PBST;    phosphate-buffered saline + 0.1% Tween 20;   
DOI  :  10.1016/0014-5793(95)00834-V
来源: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
【 摘 要 】

Heat shock protein 70 (hsp70) has been detected in atherosclerotic lesions, in which endothelial cells and smooth muscle cells are involved. In a previous report we showed that Ox-LDL, a causal factor in atherosclerosis, could induce hsp70 expression in cultured human endothelial cells [Zhu et al. B.B.R.C 1994, 200: 389]. Here, with immunofluorescence and immunoblotting techniques, we show that Ox-LDL are capable of inducing hsp70 expression also in human smooth muscle cells, and that this induction is dependent on cell density and on the concentration of Ox-LDL. The induced expression of hsp70 was higher in human umbilical vein smooth muscle cells than in a human smooth muscle cell line. Conversely, Ox-LDL was cytotoxic to both types of cells, more so to the human smooth muscle cell line. These observations indicate that Ox-LDL may be a stress responsible for hsp70 expression in atherosclerotic plaques and the presence of hsp70 in plaques may be a useful marker for continuous oxidative damage in the arterial wall.

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