FEBS Letters
Thermal recovery of iodopsin from its meta I‐intermediate
Imamoto, Yasushi2  Yoshizawa, Tôru1  Imai, Hiroo2  Shichida, Yoshinori2 
[1] Department of Information Systems Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Osaka Sangyo University, Daito, Osaka 574, Japan;Department of Biophysics, Faculty of Science, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-01, Japan
关键词: Cone visual pigment;    Iodopsin;    Rhodopsin;    Photobleaching process;    Isomerization;    Retinal protein;   
DOI  :  10.1016/0014-5793(94)01112-5
来源: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
【 摘 要 】

The thermal reaction of meta I-intermediate of iodopsin (metaiodopsin I), a chicken red-sensitive cone pigment, was studied by low-temperature spectrophotometry at −20°C. Irradiation of iodopsin at −20°C produced metaiodopsin I, whose absorption maximum was at about 470 nm. An incubation of metaiodopsin I at −20 °C resulted in a conversion to metaiodopsin II having absorption maximum at about 380 nm, as well as a concurrent formation of a red-shifted product stable at room temperature. Since the absorption spectrum and photo-reactivity of the red-shifted product were identical with those of iodopsin, the red-shifted product should be iodopsin. Thus a part of metaiodopsin I can revert to iodopsin by the thermal reaction unlike metarhodopsin I.

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