Bulletin of the Korean chemical society
Tip-Enhanced Raman Scattering with a Nanoparticle-Functionalized Probe
Han-Kyu Choi1  Won-Hwa Park1  Chan-Gyu Park1  Ju-Young Kim1  Jinwook Kim1   Zee Hwan Kim1  Eunbyoul Lee1 
关键词: Plasmons;    Nanoparticles;    Raman scattering;   
DOI  :  
来源: Korean Chemical Society
【 摘 要 】
We carried out the tip-enhanced Raman scattering (TERS) with a tip that is functionalized with a Aunanoparticle (AuNP, with a diameter of 250 nm). The AuNP tip is fabricated by a direct mechanical pickup of a AuNP from a flat substrate, and the TERS signal from the AuNP tip - organic monolayer - Au thin film (thickness of 10 nm) is recorded. We find that such a AuNP-tip interacting with a thin film routinely yields signal enhancement larger than ~104, which is sufficient not only for local (with detection area of ~200 nm2) Raman spectroscopy, but also the nanometric imaging of organic monolayers within a reasonable acquisition time (~20 minutes/image).
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