Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology
Plasmonics in Topological Insulators
Jia-Ming Liu1  Kuang-Hsiung Wu1  Yi-Ping Lai1  I-Tan Lin1 
关键词: Topological Insulator;    Plasmons;    Spin-orbit Interaction;   
DOI  :  10.5772/58558
来源: InTech
【 摘 要 】
With strong spin-orbit coupling, topological insulators have an insulating bulk state, characterized by a band gap, and a conducting surface state, characterized by a Dirac cone. Plasmons in topological insulators show high frequency-tunability in the mid-infrared and terahertz spectral regions with transverse spin oscillations, also called “spin-plasmons”. This paper presents a discussion and review of the developments in this field from the fundamental theory of plasmons in bulk, thin-film, and surface-magnetized topological insulators to the techniques of plasmon excitation and future applications.
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