Bulletin of the Korean chemical society
Dependences on Heating Conditions and Applicabilities as an Additive for ECIA of Sr1-xBaxFe3+ 1- ¥óFe4+ ¥óO3-y Ferrite System
Eun-Seok Lee1 
关键词: Solid solution;    Heat-treated;    Electrical conducting inorganic adhesives;    Electrical conductivity;    Nonstoichiometry;   
DOI  :  
来源: Korean Chemical Society
【 摘 要 】
The solid solutions of the Sr1-xBaxFeO3-y system (x = 0.0, 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3) having a perovskite structure were prepared in air at 1423 K and then heat-treated in air (A), O2(O) and N2(N) to examine possibility of controlling the nonstoichiometry and applicability as an additive for electrical conducting inorganic adhesives (ECIA). In the samples heated in N2 stream, there existed almost no Fe4+ ions, and at constant temperature their electrical conductivities were considerably lower than those of the samples heat-treated in air or O2. Sr0.8Ba0.2Fe3+ 0.49Fe4+ 0.51O2.76 (SB2-A) whose Fe3+/Fe4+ ratio was nearly 1 (0.96) and whose conductivity values (1.04 ohm?1cm?1 at 283 K and 1.88 ohm?1cm?1 at 673 K) were higher than any other samples, was found to be the best additive for ECIA.
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