Bulletin of the Korean chemical society
Two-color Transient Grating Spectroscopy of a Two-level System
Kyungwon Kwak1  Minhaeng Cho1  Graham R. Fleming1  Bradley S. Prall1  Ritesh Agarwal1 
关键词: Transient grating;    Solvation;    Spectroscopy;   
DOI  :  
来源: Korean Chemical Society
【 摘 要 】

A theoretical description and experimental demonstration of homodyne-detected two-color transient grating (2-C TG) signal are presented. By treating the coupled bath degrees of freedom as a collection of harmonic oscillators and using a short-time expansion method, approximated nonlinear response functions were obtained. An analytic expression for the two-color transient grating signal was obtained by carrying out relevant Gaussian integrals. The initial rising and decaying parts of the 2-C TG signal is shown to be critically dependent on the ultrafast inertial component of the solvation correlation function. The experimental results confirm the predictions of the theoretical model.

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