International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning (iJAC)
Adaptive Learning Environments: A Requirements Analysis in Business Settings
Christina Steiner2  Kai Michael Höver1 
[1] imc information multimedia communication AGimc information multimedia communication AGimc information multimedia communication AG;University of GrazUniversity of GrazUniversity of Graz
关键词: adaptation;    LMS;    personalization;    requirements analysis;   
DOI  :  
来源: International Association of Online Engineering
【 摘 要 】

The design and development of an adaptive learning system (ALS) should be guided by a thorough analysis of users? expectations and needs. A requirements analysis has been carried out by means of scenario-based semi-structured interviews in order to investigate the personalization and adaptation preferences of different stakeholder groups in business settings. Results show that an ALS has a decided advantage over a non-adaptive learning system by offering individual treatment of learners. The adaptation of content and learning activities to learner knowledge and learning goal, particularly determined by the job role, is perceived to be most relevant.

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