International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning (iJAC)
Lifelong Learning and Virtual Communities in the Public Administration: A Case Study in Italy
Luigi Colazzo1  Nicola Villa2  Andrea Molinari1 
[1] University of Trento - Department of Computer and Management SciencesUniversity of Trento - Department of Computer and Management SciencesUniversity of Trento - Department of Computer and Management Sciences;University of Trento - Laboratory of MaieuticsUniversity of Trento - Laboratory of MaieuticsUniversity of Trento - Laboratory of Maieutics
关键词: e-learning;    lifelong learning;    virtual leaning communities;    web 2.0;   
DOI  :  
来源: International Association of Online Engineering
【 摘 要 】

This work introduces our experience in developing L3, a project that aims at developing an educational and collaborative environment oriented towards public employees of our provincial administration (Autonomous Province of Trento - P.A.T. - Italy). Our research group has been involved for years in the design and development of e-learning applications; in the new L3 system we realized that the simple re-design of a traditional e-learning system was too limited with respect to the needs, especially concerning users' active participation in a more "social" sense. This work presents the first results of the project, which has a three year duration, and its development towards a future "Private Community Environment".

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