Defence Science Journal
Carbon Nanotube–Purification and Sorting Protocols
P. K. Basu1  P. K. Chaudhary1  Poornendu Chaturvedi1  Anand Singh1  Dr. Harsh1  Preeti Verma1 
[1]Solid State Physics Laboratory, Delhi
关键词: Arc-discharge;    carbon nanotubes;    single-walled carbon nanotubes;    multi-walled carbon nanotubes;    SWCNTs;    MWCNTs purification;    sorting;   
DOI  :  
来源: Defence Scientific Information & Documentation Centre
【 摘 要 】
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have shown extraordinary mechanical, thermal, electrical, and electronic properties. Electronic properties of CNT are very sensitive to its diameter and chirality, making it metallicor semiconducting, depending upon its chiral vector. The extraordinary properties of CNTs have led to demonstration of several applications but commercial realisation of these devices require consistent qualityof CNTs, and these should be  free of any impurity. For development of electronic devices, CNTs should notjust be pure but also of similar length, diameter, and electronic behaviour. Such demanding requirements need development of elaborate purification and sorting protocols. In this paper,  a brief review of the existing technologies and the research done is presented. Defence Science Journal, 2008, 58(5), pp.591-599 , DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/dsj.58.1694
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