Marine Ecology Progress Series
Multi-disciplinary fingerprints reveal the harvest location of cod Gadus morhua in the northeast Atlantic
Anna K. Dan#xedelsd#xf3ttir1  Ruth M. Higgins1  Bryan Wilson1  Francisco E. Montero1  #x20201  Bret S. Danilowicz1  Magn#xfas #xd6. Stef#xe1nsson1  Wim G. Meijer1  Christophe Pampoulie1  Arnd Schreiber1  Audrey J. Geffen1  01  Diana Perdiguero-Alonso1  Johan Modin1  Juan A. Balbuena1 
关键词: Traceability;    Discrimination;    Cod;    Biological marker;    Molecular marker;    Otolith;    Morphometry;   
DOI  :  10.3354/meps08492
来源: Inter-Research
【 摘 要 】
ABSTRACT: Using multiple biological markers to establish the fingerprint of a harvest location, individual cod Gadus morhua L. can be classified to their population of origin without error. A combined approach to classification using otolith microchemistry, otolith shape analysis, body morphometry, microbacterial assemblages, internal and external parasites, and microsatellite DNA was found to be more powerful than by any single technique. Binomial and multinomial logistic regression analyses were used to distinguish wild from farmed fish and subsequently to determine the precise harvest origin of each individual. Two new approaches were used: one focusing on optimal or key variables from each discipline and the other using probability values derived on a technique-by-technique basis. Cod from widely separated origins were classified with high (up to 100% correct) placement success. Focusing on the placement of individual fish, this study represents a decisive advance toward identifying fish harvested from protected populations.

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