吉田 智彦1  大谷 和彦2  和田 義春1 
关键词: Barley;    茎立期;    Factor of variation;    変動要因;    High quality;    高品質;    High yield;    多収;    Top dry weight at jointing stage;    地上部乾物重;    Wheat;    麦類;   
DOI  :  10.1626/jcs.79.484
来源: Nihon Sakumotsu Gakkai / Crop Science Society of Japan
【 摘 要 】
From the results of trials for 11–16 years in the Tochigi Agricultural experiment field, we examined the factors causing variation in appearance quality and yield of barley and wheat. Yield of barley “Amaginijo” and “Mikamo-Golden” showed a positive correlation with thousand-kernel weight and rate of whole grain. There was a positive correlation between yield and ear number in “Shyunrai” though not significant in barley. A positive correlation between yield and culm length was observed in 3 barley cultivars. In barley “Mikamo-Golden“, the later the maturing stage, the better the appearance quality, but in wheat “Norin 61”, the fewer the days from heading to maturing stage the better the appearance quality. In barley “Amaginijo” and wheat “Norin 61”, the higher the lowest temperature in February, the lower the stem number, and the lower the lowest temperature during the 60 days before the jointing stage the heavier the dry weight. Thus, the correlation of growth and development with yield, and appearance quality showed a difference between barley and wheat and varied with the cultivar.
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