高橋 行継2  吉田 智彦1 
关键词: Controlled availability fertilizer;    被覆肥料;    Fertilization;    施肥;    Fused-phosphate-covering;    熔成燐肥覆土;    Method of raising seedling;    育苗法;    Nursery box;    育苗箱;    Paddy rice;    水稲;    Period of seedling raising;    育苗期間;    Pool raising;    プール育苗;   
DOI  :  10.1626/jcs.76.370
来源: Nihon Sakumotsu Gakkai / Crop Science Society of Japan
【 摘 要 】
We studied the effect of fused-phosphate-covering on seedling raising by a single application of whole basal fertilizer to the nursery box, in Gunma prefecture. The seedlings emerged in the nursery boxes arranged flatly, and grown by the pool-raising method. We applied the whole basal fertilizer named "Naebako-makase NK301-100" once, and sowed the seed on April and May in 2005 and on May in 2006. The sowing rate was 150 g per nursery box in April and 100 g in May sowing. Seedlings were grown for 22 days after April sowing and for 30 days after May sowing. We used grained soil, powdered-fused phosphate made in Japan and China, and globular-fused phosphate made in Japan for covering. We found that grained-soil-covering was useful for emergence and seedling raising, and the mat intensity was strong enough for transplanting. In the plot covered with powdered-fused phosphate emergence of seedlings was prevented, and the growth after emergence was not uniform. Covering with globular-fused phosphate caused serious growth injury, and the growth after emergence was not recovered. It also decreased the mat intensity markedly. Thus, it is desirable to cover the seeds with grained soil. However, there were many problems for the use of practical. The period of raising seedling could be extended up to 30 days. However, plants were tended to be spindly compared with conventional raising. Thus, we judged that the safe period for raising seedlings was 20-22 days.
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