Journal of Computer Science
Management Information Systems Role in Decision-Making During Crises: Case Study | Science Publications
Saleh Al-Zhrani1 
关键词: Management Information Systems (MIS);    decision-making;    Chi square test;   
DOI  :  10.3844/jcssp.2010.1247.1251
来源: Science Publications
【 摘 要 】

Problem statement: This study investigated and identified the importance role of MIS in decision-making process during crises at the Directorate General of Border Guard in Saud Arabia. In addition, it examines obstacles that limit the role of MIS in decision-making during crises. Approach: The study used the descriptive research design of the survey type. Data were collected from a sample of all officers in the Directorate General of Border Guard (DGBG) in Saud Arabia. Respondents consisting of officers holding administrative positions and senior heading units using stratified random sampling technique. Results: Data collected were analyzed using frequency counts, percentages, means, standard deviation and Chi square test statistics. The study revealed that MIS was adequately used in decision-making during crises. Conclusion: The study confirmed that the MIS should be used more heavily in the decision process during crises. It was recommended that the MIS units should be maintained to ensure a free flow of information and adequate use of MIS in decision-making.

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