Ciência Rural
Chemical composition and fermentation characteristics of elephant grass silage with biodiesel industry co-products
Cleef, Eric Haydt Castello Branco van3  Neiva Júnior, Arnaldo Prata2  Patiño Pardo, René Maurício5  Gonçalves, Josemir de Souza1  Silva Filho, José Cleto da4  Rêgo, Aníbal Coutinho do3 
[1]Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido (UFERSA), Mossoró, Brasil
[2]Centro Federal de Ensino Tecnológico (CEFET), Rio Pomba, Brasil
[3]Universidade Estadual Paulista “Julio de Mesquita Filho”, (UNESP), Jaboticabal, Brasil
[4]Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA), Lavras, Brasil
[5]Universidade de Sucre (UNISUCRE), Sucre, Colômbia
关键词: ensilage;    in vitro digestibility;    Jatropha curcas;    Pennisetum purpureum;    Raphanus sativus.;   
DOI  :  10.1590/S0103-84782012000400024
来源: Universidade Federal de Santa Maria * Centro de Ciencias Rurais
【 摘 要 】

The objective ofthis research was to evaluate the effect of three concentrations (3, 6, and9%) of forage turnip (Raphanus sativus) and physic nut (Jatrophacurcas) cakes on dry matter, crude protein, ether extract, neutral detergentfiber, acid detergent fiber, lignin, acid detergent insoluble nitrogen neutraldetergent insoluble nitrogen contents, in vitro dry matter digestibility,pH values and concentrations of N-NH3 in elephant grass silages.It was used an entirely randomized design in factorial arrangement [(2×3)+1].Experimental PVC silos were used and ensiled material was kept for 62 days.The addition of cakes increased the dry matter contents (P<0.05). The fibrousfractions were reduced (P<0.05) with the inclusion of cakes during the grassensilage and the CP contents increased (P<0.05). The forage turnip cake providedthe same pH and N-NH3 values in ideal levels and the physic nut,added to 9%, increased those values (P<0.05). IVDMD was reduced (P<0.05)when the cakes were added. These co-products can be used in small amounts forelephant grass ensilage in order to provide improvement in chemical and fermentationcharacteristics of the silages. Nevertheless, physic nut cake shows limitationsfor its use in animal feeding due to the presence of toxic compounds, makingnecessary studies for their identification and elimination.

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