American Journal of Applied Sciences
Acquisition and Research of the p-3C-SiC Epitaxial Layers Based on the 6H-SiC Semi-Insulating Substrates | Science Publications
L.V. Shakhov1  Lebedev Alexander Alexandrovich1  E.V. Bogdanova1  N.V. Seredova1  S.P. Lebedev1 
关键词: p-3C-SiC;    Sublimation Epitaxy;    Epifilm;    Substrates;   
DOI  :  10.3844/ajassp.2015.237.241
来源: Science Publications
【 摘 要 】

By now we know almost nothing about works on production of ?-3?-SiC. Probably, it is due to the fact that the basic acceptor impurity (aluminium) accumulates on the interfaces of the twins and other structural defects in the 3C film and it is electrically neutral. We managed to produce the highly doped layers ?-3? based on the conducting substrates of hexagonal SiC using the method of Sublimation Epitaxy (SE). Probably, it is due to the growth high temperature used in this method. First, it results in production of the more structural-perfect epifilm and, second, in increasing the Al atomic mobility. This works purpose is further optimization of the production technology for epilayers ?-3?-SiC with usage of semi-insulating substrates 6H-SiC.

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