Diseases of Aquatic Organisms
Changes of intestinal epithelial structure and cell turnover in carp Cyprinus carpio infected with Goussia carpelli (Protozoa: Apicomplexa)
Wolfgang Körting1  Nicole Hemmer1  Dieter Steinhagen1  Wolfgang Drommer1 
关键词: Carp coccidiosis;    Epithelial cell turnover;    Enteric infection;    Tissue repair;    Goussia carpelli;    Cyprinus carpio;   
DOI  :  10.3354/dao034039
来源: Inter-Research
【 摘 要 】

ABSTRACT: Epithelial cell turnover in the intestine of common carp Cyprinus carpio infected with the coccidian parasite Goussia carpelli (Leger & Stankovitch, 1921) was investigated during laboratory infection using histological and electronmicroscopical techniques. During the development of the parasite an increased number of mitotic enterocytes, identified by bromodeoxyuridine (BRDU) uptake, were observed at the base of infected mucosal folds. During the merogonic and gamogonicdevelopment of the parasite, severe damage to infected epithelium occurred, and concomitantly BRDU-positive cells spread along the mucosal folds. These cells exhibited immature characteristics, including a squamous to cuboidal shape, nuclear apolarity, ahigh number of ribosomes, and short or reduced microvilli. Contact with adjoining cells was formed by tight junctions and desmosomes, indicating the epithelial origin of these cells. These cells covered gut segments with damaged epithelium within a fewdays, suggesting a high regenerative capacity of the carp intestine, and this could explain the mild clinical symptoms in fish affected by G. carpelli-coccidiosis. Our study for the first time describes epithelial cell responses to injuries causedby enteric protozoa in piscine hosts.

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